Todd Foundation Learning Partners

Project leads: Nadine Metzger and Annalise Myers

In 2021 the Todd Foundation made the move to partner long-term with Point and Associates to ‘learn as they go’ as funders of systems change. This partnership is driven by an understanding that it doesn’t make sense to do retrospective evaluations at the end of projects. With long-term change, there isn’t a clear end date, so the Foundation needs to learn, adapt and grow as they go. Learning has to be woven in and be useful in real time to their community partners.

We are following a simple, developmental evaluation framework which builds the capacity of community partners to help understand and evaluate their contributions to more equitable systems. This approach enables the Todd Foundation to understand and better enable the conditions for success while aligning with the goals of their community partners.

Both Point and Todd are bringing our collective understanding of systems change to the table, along with a commitment to equitable evaluation processes.

Nadine Metzger